Thursday, March 5, 2020

Snow much to read!

Image result for final two weeks

A Final Word about the final TWO WEEKS

This Sunday marks two weeks until the show opens.  All rehearsals are now mandatory, baring illness, as we prepare to dazzle and amaze over 1400 (tickets already sold) guests with the work of the over 150 students in the show. The limited time we have left means every hour and minute are important.  We sadly cannot accommodate any further early dismissals or late arrivals without impacting scene involvement or placement as these disrupt scenes, blocking, and choreography.  If you have a conflict please email me ( to discuss.  

Please remember daylight saving time begins this Sunday!!!

Pizza going forward 
 3rd- 8th-grade students will be able to purchase pizza Sunday. We will be selling Papa John’s cheese pizza for $1.50 a slice.  Please send cash for your kids if they want to do so, and a lunch if they do not.  All students will receive a snack from us, and all students should plan on bringing a water bottle. 

Image result for pizza cartoon childMr. Frank will be collecting money on the 8th and 15th for pizza purchases for the duration of the practices.  If you want your child to order for any of the days Tuesday-Friday of TECH week, please send in money either this Sunday or next.

Pizza for 3rd-8th Grade
Pizza for 3rd-8th Grade
Pizza for 3rd-8th Grade
Pizza for 3rd-8th Grade
Pizza for All cast

Image result for costume theatre meme
All cast and crew should look at the required costume items that they need to bring in by  Sunday the 15th.  All shoes and costume clothing, other undergarments (compression wear) will stay at school through the duration of the show. Please bring items in a bag marked with your child's name and grade on it and the items where possible.


Image result for volunteersIn order to pull off the amazing show and help our young thespians shine, we need your assistance.  This year we are using VolunteerSpot to organize our sign-ups: Click this link to go to our page

Image result for concessions
We need everyone’s help this year to have a successful Concessions Stand serving refreshments during intermission for all of our Sunday and Monday performances.  We are asking all families to participate by purchasing store-bought individually packaged treats for our Concessions Stand.  All items will be sold for $1.  The Davis Academy will be providing the drinks.  No Nuts Please! Please drop off your treats at the rehearsals from Sunday, March 1st – Wednesday, March 18th.  You are welcome to bring the treats at drop off or pick up on any of these days or give to Janice at the LS front desk. 

Star Wall 
Image result for starWe are once again going to be creating a STAR WALL to feature our amazing young thespians. By Sunday, March 8th, please send in a 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10 headshot/school picture/close up photo of your child (only your child in the picture please), with their name and grade printed on BOTH the back of the picture and the envelope you submit it in.   You may drop this off at Sunday practices or leave with the front desk of either campus. Please write on the envelope Star Wall.

Image result for cast partyCast Party will be held during the Friday (March 20th) dress rehearsal.  The party will be after our lunch break, and cake, snacks, and drinks will be provided by The Davis Academy. This party is only for cast and crew members.  Volunteers who are assigned to help on this day will also attend and assist.   

Letter from Gift Chair
Image result for theatre director mugDear Parents,
I am writing to ask you for your support in recognizing our Director Kendrick Phillips and several other people who have gone over and above to make our show the huge success that it will be. Each year Kendrick, our director, works tirelessly, long after rehearsals are over to make sure our school production resembles something you may have seen on Broadway – staging the show, creating the design of the costumes, designing the sets, props, creating all of the choreography, shopping, and more.
There are also a number of dedicated staff and volunteers who give countless hours of their time to ensure the high quality of our production. For those of you that are new to this experience, you will be amazed to see close to 150 children ages 5-14, come together for some unforgettable performances. Please show your support for Kendrick and the production staff by donating amount of your choosing per child in the play (or an amount of your choice) to help purchase a Director's gift and flowers/thank yous for all who make our kids smile and shine when they are on stage. 

Please Venmo @Jami-Kohn. We would love to collect all the money by the cast party on March 15th.

Thank you in advance for your participation. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you so much,
Jami Kohn

Image result for spread the word via social mediaSPREAD THE INCREDIBLE NEWS ABOUT THE SHOW TO EVERYONE IN YOUR NETWORK, SOCIAL MEDIA, & COMMUNITY! Let's sell out every show!!!  TELL YOUR FRIENDS to come support YOUR children and  this amazing production.  TICKETS LINK

Image result for cast t-shirts clip artFROZEN SHIRTS  
Our LS CAST thespians will receive their t-shirts at rehearsal this Sunday.  These shirts can be worn beginning Monday 3/16 in place of the Davis uniform shirts. 
Students are still expected to wear uniform compliant bottoms, socks and shoes.  The shirts can be worn from Monday 16th  through the end of the shows (Tuesday the 24th).

 Tomorrow afternoon pre-Shabbat!

Image result for thank you frozen

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