Tuesday, November 9, 2021



It's (almost) Audition Day! 

(please click on link above to see your audition time)

If you would like to stay after-school, please take the bus down to the lower school at dismissal.
You may do homework in the design studio room or practice your songs in the AV recording studio. These rooms are right outside of the theatre. 

If you arrive to the lower school anytime after 3:45pm and do not take the bus, please enter the theatre through the back of the school by the baseball field (there is a long driveway where the outdoor cafeteria tables are. Walk all the way down to the back doors of the theatre where you can walk in and head to the hallway to sign in for auditions with one of our crew members. 

You may change out of your uniform into audition clothes (more comfortable clothes or clothes that fit your character and allow you to move freely about the stage.)

Remember to have fun! Sing out loud! 
Speak your words clearly and show off your amazing talents and skills. Remember to show off your character's movement and personality. Make specific choices!

You will start with your slate: 
" Hi, my name is ------- and I am in ....grade. I will be singing -------- and/or saying lines from ---------.

The stage manager will cue up your music and read lines with you if you need them to play other characters. 

On Friday, you will take the bus to the lower school at dismissal where we will eat lunch outside under the tarp at the outside dining tables from 12 to 12:30pm.  Please pack and bring a lunch to eat (must be nut free!)

At 12:30 pm, we will start callbacks!

Review this post as well! 

Please check back again tomorrow (Wednesday) for another post and more details about callbacks!

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