Friday, March 13, 2020


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Dear Frozen Families and Participants, 

An all wide school email was sent out a few moments ago sharing that "we are now planning for an extended closure. This afternoon, Monday and Tuesday will be Professional Days for our faculty and staff, and there will be no school for students, allowing us to prepare for remote learning for your children during these unprecedented times. Students will remain at home as we plan to conduct learning as best we can through digital platforms beginning on Wednesday, March 18th through Friday, March 27th.

 We will, of course, keep you informed should further changes be necessary. We will be working to reschedule our school musical, parent-teacher conferences, and certain other events impacted, and beginning today, all extracurricular activities including athletics, play practices and after-school programs are canceled."

As this pertains to Frozen, please know that the show will go on at a later date. Frozen is not canceled. It is being re-scheduled and simply postponed. We are still going to put on the most amazing, inspiring, loving production of Frozen yet! The tickets you currently have will apply to Sunday matinee, Sunday evening and Monday evening when the new Sunday and Monday re-scheduled dates.

Image result for frozen gif hugs
This afternoon's musical rehearsal is still occurring but we will have it from 12:00 to 2:30pm instead of 12:00-3:30pm.  Please attend as your comfort and convenience level allows.  You may pick up your child at your earliest convenience anytime from 12 to 3:30pm as we know this information is coming out close to rehearsal time. 

Beginning this Sunday, the rehearsal schedule is postponed until further notice. 

We had an amazing morning of Frozen Fun at this morning's Kabbalat Shabbat. Our MS cast and our younger castmates of the lower school sang their hearts out. Such a beautiful morning together and as we pause the musical, for the time being, we will pick up back up with Frozen Fun and will update throughout the coming weeks with a revised schedule and new show dates. 

Thank you for your understanding and L.O.V.E!

The Frozen Team
Image result for musical update

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