Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Frozen Virtual "Dress" Rehearsal Fun Challenge!

Image result for frozen gif olaf damcingToday is March 24th which would have been the All-School  Musical Showing of Frozen but just because we are not altogether under one Davis brick and mortar roof does not preclude us from being a Frozen Family under a virtual theatre roof!

I shared a rehearsal clip on social media on Sunday in honor of our delayed show opening and a wish to invite all of our Frozen families to have their cast member(s) video themselves (in a Frozen-esque outfit if she/he/they have one) singing, dancing or acting out his/her/their favorite moment from the show, upload to google and share with me so I can make a virtual video compilation to share with all.  My hope was to reach out about this yesterday but my virtual school day was so wonderfully busy it took until today to get this idea out of my head & heart and on to the blog into your head and hearts 
Image result for frozen gif anna and elda
Let us show our Ruach and bond as a virtual kehillah!

Let's keep our amazing artistic community-wide endeavor going and virtually sing, dance, and spread Frozen's message of familial love, letting go, and "let[ting] the sun shine on with each other. In the words of the show, "Let's Fill the Word with Light and Love!"

Image result for dress rehearsalI would love to invite each cast and crew member family to participate in a Virtual Frozen "Dress" Rehearsal!

Please film your cast/crewmember/yourself singing and dancing 10 seconds to 30 seconds of your favorite song or moment from the show AND to film yourself singing the bows track linked here with the dance moves. Start singing and filming at 47 seconds into the bows track.

Feel free to dress in any Frozen clothing/costumes or let your imagination soar and create a Frozen inspired costume for your character from clothing in your house. 

Take a picture of your Frozen participant/yourself and also send it in! 

 Families with multiple sibling participants can submit as a group or individually. 

Please submit your videos and a picture by Sunday, March 27th at Noon, and on Tuesday,  March 31st, one week from today,  I will post our Frozen "dress" rehearsal. 

Image result for frozen fun

Here are the guidelines below for our Frozen Virtual "Dress" Rehearsal Fun Challenge:
1) Pick a song from Frozen Jr. 
2) Please sing along with the instrumental track linked here or guide vocal linked here
3) Please make sure to film horizontally/have your device in the horizontal position
4) For your song choice film 10 seconds to 30 seconds. 
5) Dress up- make it creative and fun! 
6) For the bows track linked here please sing/film from 47 seconds into the song to the end of the song. 
7) Make sure we can hear and see you! :) 
8) Please compress your video if it is over 30 seconds. 
9) Take/send a photo of your participant(s)/yourself
Email to me at kphillips@davisacademy.org or upload it to google drive and share it with the following email addresses: kphillips@davisacademy.org and kendrickheather@gmail.com - this way I can put it right into iMovie for editing. You can also send it by iCloud. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions!

Image result for frozen gif olaf damcing

With Virtual Olaf Warm hugs and 
Frozen Jazz Hands,

Ms. Kendrick

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